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I have a problem customizing the linux-image-2.6.32-5-xen-amd64 kernel
and I hope someone can help me. I just want to recompile it with one
changed option CONFIG_XEN_MAX_DOMAIN_MEMORY=128 and couldn't find a way
to compile it the right way yet.

I'm using the default packages linux-image-2.6.32-5-xen-amd64 with
xen-hypervisor-4.0-amd64 which runs great except the 32G limit.

Here are the steps I tried to recompile the kernel - till now without
success. The procedure is successfull and the kernel starts, but xen
isn't working as there is no grub entry at all like it is with the
default kernel.

apt-get source linux-image-2.6.32-5-xen-amd64 linux-patch-debian-2.6.32
cd /usr/src/linux-2.6-2.6.32
/usr/src/kernel-patches/all/2.6.32/apply/debian 35
cp /boot/config-2.6.32-5-xen-amd64 .config
make oldconfig
make menuconfig # check
PATCH_THE_KERNEL=YES make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-bigmem
--revision=1 kernel-image kernel-headers
dpkg -i ../*.deb

Please provide me with the steps to compile the kernel and get the
customized memory limit running.


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