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Re: Bug#577747: linux-image-2.6.32-5-amd64 - same bug, different HW

Le Thu, 21 Oct 2010 17:26:52 +0200,
Jan Schermer <zviratko@zviratko.net> a écrit :

>  Update: It's not in SSH/crypto but a network problem
> I tried netcat over network and the file also got corrupted (5x OK, 1x
> corrupt, 1GB file - former swap file, so half random data and half
> zeroes). There are ~10 bytes corrupted in the middle of the file,
> very close together (on one page in vbindiff) - so probably one
> packet/fragment/frame. I also have tcpdump record of the whole
> connection - but nothing apparently fishy there.
> Right now I'm testing without netfilter enabled and so far so good
> (also had to reboot so it might have "fixed" itself).
> Memtest done without a problem via memtester on 75% of memory, proper
> memtest86 will be done tonight.
> Any suggestions where to go next? I'm thinking of making a 1GB
> plaintext file so that the corruption will be readable and searchable
> in a data stream and I can inspect the corrupted packets - but what
> to look for?

    Hello Jan,

  I'm observing this bug every day I resume my pc from hibernation,
then running some big network transfer ; I notice that because, using
SSH as network transport, it detects any data corruption.
  Once the SSH transfert failed, the subsequent ones works … until next
hibernation / resume cycle ! I'm not sure whether it appears on a normal boot.


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