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Bug#599823: linux-2.6: XEN and NFS causes duplicate filenames with large directories

Sorry - Just saw the email in the ticket and found it in my spam box.

1. All the scripts/commands should be run on the client.
2. As far as I can tell, you can't just move the directory, you have to move each file, but again, I was able to trigger it with just the process of making the files.
3. Most of the time there is no difference seen on any other client, meaning the one with the bug only shows the duplicate files. I have never seen duplicate files on the server.


On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 2:35 AM, Timo Juhani Lindfors <timo.lindfors@iki.fi> wrote:

Works for me.

In the following ceasar and lindi1 are nfs clients, lindi1 is a domU
with 2.6.32-27 and nova is an nfs server with 2.6.26+17+lenny1:

nova:~$ ssh caesar bash -c "'for i in \$(seq 1 10000); do touch tmp/\$i; done'"
nova:~$ ssh lindi1 ls tmp | sort | uniq -d
nova:~$ ssh caesar mv tmp/1 tmp/1.new
nova:~$ ssh lindi1 ls tmp | sort | uniq -d

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