Bug#565404: linux-image-2.6.26-2-amd64: atl1e: TSO is broken
>>>>> "JY" == Jie Yang <Jie.Yang@Atheros.com> writes:
>> Have you tested NFS over TCP? The block-size the application
>> uses can have an effect on this. What application did you
>> use? Block-size?
JY> yes, I tested NFS over TCP.
One strange observation is that I can only reproduce this problem when
transmitting data from a NFS-server using TCP with Atheros
I've tried to reproduce the problem using test-programs, like nttcp
and netpipe, without any success. One observation is that the
test-programs *only* generates 1500 bytes IP-packets. When
the NFS-server sends data, a sequence of 1500 bytes IP-packets are
generated, ending with a shorter packet. And this last packet in the
sequence has 1500 in the IP-header length field, but is shorter.
/ Anders
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