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Bug#497593: new iwlwifi firmware available

As of December 24, 2008, and according to


The latest version for 3945 is
The latest version for 4965 is

It would be nice to get these updated in the non-free that will freeze
with lenny. I know the lenny kernel is frozen and that changing these
firmware blobs might introduce risk to people using these devices, I
think that because they are non-free the best option is to ship the
latest version for use with lenny for the following reasons.

* Ensure support for the most and newest devices
* Ensure support for new hardware for the longest amount of time
   before users need to backport or install by hand
* Ensure (hopefully) the least number of upstream bugs
* If a user running the current version has a problem, they would just
   be told to try the latest version. Better to provide the
   latest version by default and if a user has a problem, tell them
   to try an older version.
* Intel has their own QA process, debian shouldn't need to do it for
   them (especially for firmware and without source)


Matt Taggart

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