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This bug is hitting me everywhere. None of the encrypted drives (other
external hard drives) which had very trivial passwords, work anymore.

Here's the output of luksDump

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo cryptsetup luksDump /dev/sdb2
LUKS header information for /dev/sdb2

Version:        1
Cipher name:    aes
Cipher mode:    cbc-essiv:sha256
Hash spec:      sha1
Payload offset: 1032
MK bits:        128
MK digest:      1e 18 63 f4 5c a0 42 91 95 e6 4f 0c 7f bf bb a5 09 25 83 d5
MK salt:        0f 86 8d 33 a3 68 71 39 78 80 e0 db b5 46 f4 8f
                bd 85 67 a8 bc 60 36 02 d2 52 f5 73 7e ab 42 0c
MK iterations:  10
UUID:           b361837d-269c-466f-9cdd-a9ff16e313a9

Key Slot 0: ENABLED
        Iterations:             136622
        Salt:                   78 70 62 73 fa c3 76 e6 d8 63 fa 8e 96 c5 c1 54
                                ef b9 38 3f d2 e5 73 46 c5 80 e0 03 4b f6 f4 98
        Key material offset:    8
        AF stripes:             4000
Key Slot 1: DISABLED
Key Slot 2: DISABLED
Key Slot 3: DISABLED
Key Slot 4: DISABLED
Key Slot 5: DISABLED
Key Slot 6: DISABLED
Key Slot 7: DISABLED

And this seems to be inherited from ubuntu. Ubuntu gutsy also has the
same problems.

Is there a workaround ?

Unfortunately, the USB Stick setup I did also installed 2.6.22-3. So
it was of no help. And does it also affect d-i ?
d-i cd, that I have, has 2.6.22-3 and it also doesn't work in rescue mode.

This error:
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb2 sdb2_crypt
Enter LUKS passphrase:
Enter LUKS passphrase:
Enter LUKS passphrase:
Command failed: No key available with this passphrase.
makes the user feel that she has lost the password. But that really
isn't the case.


On 3/2/08, Ritesh Raj Sarraf <rrs@researchut.com> wrote:
> I think I too have been hit by this bug.
>  Unluckily, for me none of the kernel images that I have (2.6.24,
>  2.6.23, 2.6.22-3-686) work. Also I have a backup initrd of 2.6.24 and
>  .23, but they too don't work.
>  So I'm now stuck up with an unbootable laptop.
>  Currently I'm setting up a USB Stick to boot and see what really is
>  the problem. But I believe it is not a password problem because, a
>  user who has been running the encrypted root device for 6+ months,
>  cannot forget the password one fine day.
>  Ritesh
>  --
>  Ritesh Raj Sarraf
>  RESEARCHUT - http://www.researchut.com
>  "Necessity is the mother of invention."
>  --
>  To unsubscribe, send mail to 465812-unsubscribe@bugs.debian.org.

Ritesh Raj Sarraf
RESEARCHUT - http://www.researchut.com
"Necessity is the mother of invention."

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