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Bug#391302: reassigning

reassign 391302 kernel-package

Since linux-image-2.6.18-1-amd64 was the last image you installed, its
postinst should have pointed the vmlinuz/initrd.img symlinks to

When you removed linux-image-2.6.18-1-amd64, the removal scripts did
not know what to set them to, and it died. Of course, you are running
grub so this actually wasn't a big deal - but it could be more
significant for other bootloaders.

Since these scripts are provided by kernel-package, it is probably the
correct owner of this bug.

The behavior I personally would be for kernel-package to
register/deregister kernels during install/remove so that it is able
to prompt the user for a new default or, with a higher debconf
priority, select one automagically.

Manoj: what do you think?

dann frazier

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