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Bug#405810: Please provide package with vmlinuX, similar to kernel-debuginfo on redhat

reassign 405810 linux-2.6
tags 405810 moreinfo

On Sat, Jan 06, 2007 at 02:50:46PM +0100, Philippe Teuwen wrote:
> To use oprofile with kernel profiling enabled, we need the uncompressed version 
> of the kernel image, vmlinux.

Use gunzip to get them (at least for architectures which simply
compresses it with gzip). Some architectures also uses uncompressed

> I saw on http://bonglonglong.com/2006/12/06/oprofile-kernel-images-and-innodb-oh-my/
> that this is much easier on redhat which features a package called kernel-debuginfo

I don't see such a package in the development fedora tree, please
provide more informations.

> So could we also have sth like linux-debuginfo-2.6.18-1-686_i386.deb ?

What should it contain? Only the uncompressed image? Or the unstripped?
The later is not possible for size constraints.


A little suffering is good for the soul.
		-- Kirk, "The Corbomite Maneuver", stardate 1514.0

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