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Bug#402475: bcm43xx makes system unusable on NETDEV timeout

[Loic, I've CC'd you since the BTS doesn't seem to like me; feel free to
pass this on.]

The only problem I have with bcm43xx is that when it crashes as
specified in the bug report, it makes the system unusable: my USB
keyboard ceases to work, although my USB mouse works fine.  Magic SysRq
doesn't work either (because the keyboard doesn't), and I cannot shut
down the system safely if the problem happens while the screensaver is
on (which is usually when it happens).

I also have to manually bring down the interface when the machine
starts, since it seems to still occur if the interface is UP but not
RUNNING.  This is error-prone and inconvenient.

I tried 2.6.18-2, and it didn't work either.  I just put the card back
in the machine after a while, so I haven't tested it since 2.6.16.  The
only difference is that the machine now is an amd64, while before it was
an i386 (athlon).  So while the current state is an improvement over
earlier 2.6.18 kernels, it still renders the system useless at
inappropriate and inopportune times.  Thanks for considering.

Brian M. Carlson / Brian with Sandals: Houston, Texas, US
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