Bug#387498: Bug#395135: Please requeue gclcvs_2.7.0-62 on alpha
- To: Steve Langasek <vorlon@debian.org>
- Cc: Camm Maguire <camm@enhanced.com>, 395135@bugs.debian.org, 387498@bugs.debian.org
- Subject: Bug#387498: Bug#395135: Please requeue gclcvs_2.7.0-62 on alpha
- From: Thiemo Seufer <ths@networkno.de>
- Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2006 01:14:24 +0000
- Message-id: <[🔎] 20061102011424.GF10035@networkno.de>
- Reply-to: Thiemo Seufer <ths@networkno.de>, 387498@bugs.debian.org
- In-reply-to: <20061101214143.GA4919@mauritius.dodds.net>
- References: <54ods4kv2n.fsf_-_@intech19.enhanced.com> <20061022223304.GB5934@mauritius.dodds.net> <54d58j42xm.fsf_-_@intech19.enhanced.com> <20061024033730.GA4952@mauritius.dodds.net> <54r6wxlu0x.fsf@intech19.enhanced.com> <20061025030825.GF5317@mauritius.dodds.net> <54lkn24ns6.fsf@intech19.enhanced.com> <20061027041417.GB6287@mauritius.dodds.net> <54odrxlvic.fsf@intech19.enhanced.com> <20061101214143.GA4919@mauritius.dodds.net>
Steve Langasek wrote:
> > Come to think of it, this bug might have just appeared on alpha too:
> > http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=387498
> No, it's not the same bug; the test case for system() works fine on my alpha
> when compiling with -pg.
My current guess about 387498 is it's an instance of the cache alias
bugs which were fixed recently upstream. I heard hppa was hit most by
it. I hope I can test tomorrow if that guess is correct.
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