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Bug#324724: dismally slow throughput to usb flash drive

Hi Chris, randhol!

In preparation of the upcoming etch release, would you please
test if either 2.6.17-9 from testing or 2.6.18-3 from unstable
fixes your problem with slow reads of USB flash media?

Please report your findings by sending "found" or "close" followed by
the bug number and the respective version to control@bugs.debian.org as
detailed on http://www.debian.org/Bugs/server-control or by sending
additional information to the bug report (reply to this mail)

Thank you for your cooperation!

Regards, David
- hallo... wie gehts heute?
- *hust* gut *rotz* *keuch*
- gott sei dank kommunizieren wir über ein septisches medium ;)
 -- Matthias Leeb, Uni f. angewandte Kunst, 2005-02-15

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