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Re: pending linux-2.6 changes

On Sat, 1 Apr 2006, Bastian Blank wrote:

No. linux-headers-$version-$abiname-all-$arch are empty[tm] packages
which depends on any headers packages for the given architecture.
linux-headers-$version don't contain any header, it is only a container
for a verbatim copy of debian/{arch,lib,modules}.

Ok, I'm pretty lost here. If there are no headers now in linux-headers-$version (despite the name), where will the working headers now come from? Please describe it in detail, so that at least I can document it in kernel-handbook.

Best regards,

Jurij Smakov                                        jurij@wooyd.org
Key: http://www.wooyd.org/pgpkey/                   KeyID: C99E03CC

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