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Bug#343048: linux-image-2.6.14-2-686: modules ide-generic and ide-disk not loading

> Just to answer Sumit's question: if you install initramfs-tools (instead of 
> yaird) and recreate the initial ram disk (with a "dpkg-reconfigure
> linux-image-2.6.14-2-686" for example) you'll have a busybox executable in
> the image (which includes modprobe). Much more usefull than what yaird
> provides. I'm not up to speed on the differences between the two initrd
> tools, this is just what I got out-of-the-box with apt-get install.

And if you don't have a bootable kernel on the system? Are you SOL?

I used to have initramfs-tools on my box, anyone knows how I ended
up with this newfangled yaird?

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