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Bug#336392: yaird silently fails with VMware

I've seen the same problem testing 2.6.14 kernel installation in Debian 
Installer in vmware (running d-i with a 2.6.12 kernel).

The solution was to add "MODULE BusLogic" in /etc/yaird/Default.cfg.

It would be nice if a workaround for this could be added in yaird while 
the driver is missing sysfs support.
One way to do this would be to parse lsmod for the running system:
$ lsmod | grep ^BusLogic
BusLogic                  80372  2

The "used by" count shows that BusLogic is actually being used and thus 
should be included in the initrd.

Another option is to check for the presence of directory
(which contains a file named "0" with a lot of info about the driver)

BusLogic is the correct driver for 2.6.8 through 2.6.14, so should lead to 
good results for most cases.


P.S. Adding the needed module manually while doing an installation is not 
a feasible workaround for ordinary users as you need to know exactly what 
to do manually and when.

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