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Bug#258043: status update

reassign 258043 linux-2.6

[2.6.7 is no longer in any release, reassigning to linux-2.6.]

Today we have a general policy for what patches go into the Debian
source:  http://wiki.debian.net/?DebianKernelPatchAcceptanceGuidelines

And, all patches are now split up and available in the
linux-patch-debian-* package, should anyone want to see specifics.  Each
patch should have a sufficient description in either comments in the
patch file itself, in the Debian changelog, or usually both.

So - given this current status - what would be sufficient for closing
this bug?  How about adding a short blurb to the
linux-source/linux-patch-debian description fields?  For example:

This source closely tracks official linux kernel releases.
Modifications to that source consist of security fixes, bug fixes, and
features that have already been accepted by the upstream maintainers.

dann frazier <dannf@dannf.org>

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