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Re: RFC: New uniform packaging scheme

On Thu, May 19, 2005 at 02:04:33PM -0400, Jurij Smakov wrote:
> kernel-headers-$(version)-$(abiname)-$(subarch)
>   A common headers package for an architecture with subarches.
>   Same purpose and contents as the one above.

To be absolutely sure that there will be no namespace collision between this
one and the flavour version, i would name it :


Since it is a variant of the above common header file, and unpack to

The flavour packages of this subarch will then depend on this one, and add the
appropriate symlinks.

> kernel-headers-$(version)-$(abiname)-$(flavour)
>   Flavour-specific kernel headers package, containing mostly the
>   configuration files. It will have the same name for both cases
>   (subarch or no subarch). As a result there is a restriction that
>   all flavour names across all arches/subarches have to be unique,
>   but that does not seem too problematic. This package must unpack
>   to /usr/src/kernel-headers-$(version)-$(abiname)-$(flavour),
>   depend on an appropriate common kernel-headers package, set up
>   the symbolic links into it to provide a complete build-tree, and
>   supply the /lib/modules/$(version)-$(abiname)-$(flavour)/build
>   symlink to that tree.

So /lib/modules/$(version)-$(abiname)-$(flavour)/source is deprecated and will
have to be removed ?

>  * There is a proposal to create a common kernel-headers packages
>    for all arches which build from common source and containing
>    all include/asm-* for them. Pros: we are saving some space by
>    not including the common stuff (how big is it?) into the
>    arch-specific kernel-headers packages. Cons: to build on a single
>    arch user will have to pull in headers for all arches. Also
>    the subarch handling becomes non-uniform with the rest.

I am not sure about this one, ppc needs ppc64 includes, and the apus subarch
and maybe nubus need some part of the m68k includes, last i checked.

>  * Anything else?

Maybe some mention of the mkvmlinuz and the like support libraries ? Saying
that if anything is needed to make the vmlinux provided in the kernel-image
usable, then this support stuff need to be added to the kernel-image, and the
kernel-image has to mae sure it will do the right thing on installation. the
powerpc kernels depend on mkvmlinuz, which does a debconf question at medium
priority or defaults to the right thing for each subarch, and is automatically
called on kenrel-image install.

Now, going farther with this, we need to find some relationship with mkinitrd
invocation, especially in presence of externeal or moved to non-free
potentially root holding modules. I would suggest making sure the initrd
generating and later steps (like calling mkvmlinuz or ybin or lilo or whatever
is needed) are correctly done after the kernel-image install as well as after
installing or upgrading those third party modules.

Thanks for your great work on those.


Sven Luther

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