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Bug#302716: dpkg screws up GRUB's menu.lst

Where did you get this kernel, anyway?  That kernel doesn't seem to be
provided by Debian.  I'm reassinging to the "kernel" package until
more is known.  Did you create the .deb yourself with `cd $linux; make
deb-pkg`?  In that case maybe the upstream kernel people have a
problem.  Did you even get the kernel source from the debian archive?

Sorry for omitting this piece of info; the kernel has nothing to do with Debian, it is a plain 2.6.11 from kernel.org with 2.6.12-rc1 and 2.6.12-rc1-mm4 patches applied. The .deb was created using

cd /usr/src/linux
make-kpkg clean
make xconfig
make-kpkg --revision=5 kernel_image

So possibly make-kpkg still remembers that root partition used to be hda3?

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