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Bug#299875: ppp: out-of-memory 30min after "LCP terminated by peer"

Justin Pryzby wrote:
> Okay.  Do I correctly understand that kernel patch + downgrade solves
> your problem?

i don't even have to patch the kernel. i tried with 2.6.11-rc5-bk2, same
thing. but (only!) downgrading ppp_2.4.2 (current is ppp_2.4.3) did the trick.

> And, if you have *just* the kernel patch, /usr/sbin/pppd hangs, but
> doesn't crash the system?

with (current) ppp_2.4.3 pppd hangs, but does not crash the kernel.

as a side note: the kernel never really crashed, but the kernel's OOM
killer kicked in because i kept running a script (via cron), which was
checking internet-connectivity. when pppd decided to hang and was not
kill'able via -TERM, the script went nuts and started itsself again and
gain. i noticed that always 30min after pppd's hang the machine went OOM.
by then, the script must have been started 2000times or so. really, OOM is
not longer the issue here, it's "just" pppd hanging, so i even could set
this report from "critical" not "normal", as i seem to be the only one
crying here.


BOFH excuse #111:

The salesman drove over the CPU board.

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