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Problem mounting usb stick with FAT{16,32} formated on Windows machine


Some users of Debian-BR-CDD (one CDD based on sarge with focus on
Desktop users) sent reports about usb-stick problems. I did some
investigation and identified the specific case where it ocour but I
don't know where the problem is. I'll explain bellow:

 - If I format the stick on Windows XP or Windows 2000 it cannot be
   mounted on 2.6.[89] kernels. But it works well using 2.4.27. All
   used kernels are Debian packages provided by this team;

 - If I format the stick using mkdosfs it works well inside of Debian
   and on Windows too;

Looking at messages on dmesg and syslog, looks like kernel cannot
identify the end of filesystem and because of it can't mount it.

Maybe can be one problem on fat support but I'm not sure. Anyone have
some idea where this problem is and how fix it?

        O T A V I O    S A L V A D O R
 E-mail: otavio@debian.org      UIN: 5906116
 GNU/Linux User: 239058     GPG ID: 49A5F855
 Home Page: http://www.freedom.ind.br/otavio
"Microsoft gives you Windows ... Linux gives
 you the whole house."

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