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Bug#268352: 2.6.* radeonfb regression

On Fri, 2004-10-01 at 17:39, Francesco P. Lovergine wrote:

> Could you suggest any hook point in the code where I can augment 
> verbosity level to see what's going on? 
> In the meantime is there any possibility to add the old radeonfb module
> along with the new one? That code is anyway there and can be built
> apparently under 2.6. Any issues about?

The any reason the old worked is, I think, because it didn't know
about the flat panel at all and didn't program any FP register, so
you got whatever your firmware had previously programmed...

Your problem might be related to the way the driver plays with
LVDS_GEN_CNTL, you can try hacking around this...


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