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Bug#257001: more on m68k kernel build bugs...

After some more digging I have found even more issues. as of kernel 2.3.17 the
mac 68k specific code changed a fair bit - they introduced calls that do not
exist anywhere in the kernel. specifically i have found:

extern __u32 adb_read_time(void);

it is defined as an extern symbol - but NOWHERE in the code for the kernel can i
find that function being provided or any #define changing its name etc. this
code was introduced as of 2.3.17 and would break the kernel for 68k mac builds
as of this version.

------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    raster@rasterman.com
熊耳 - 車君 (数田)                  raster@deephackmode.org
Tokyo, Japan (東京 日本)

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