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Thank you!


A huge thanks to the Debian Qt/KDE maintainer team for the continued 
work on Qt/KDE related packages.

Thank you to Pino, Patrick, Aurélien and of course all the others for 
tirelessly packaging newest versions of Qt, including Qt 6 which KDE 
will switch to at some time, Plasma, KDE Frameworks, KDE Gear, KDEPIM 
and all the other applications from KDE, including new ones like the 
Korganizer alternative Kalendar. I bet in total that could easily be 
about one thousand packages, maybe even more. It is a huge effort to pull 
this off!

While not all of this is available within unstable yet, at least not in 
most recent versions, most of it is and the state of the art in unstable 
regarding KDE related packages is very decent.

Thank you for this continued effort to all of you, of course also to 
those who I did not mention specifically including those long term team 
members who advice newcomers to the team on packaging questions and 
those who contributed a lot previously.

I appreciate your effort!


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