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Re: Bookworm: Juk 22.04.1 broken?

Jul 15, 2022, 23:05 by local10@tutanota.com:

> Hi,
> Juk v22.04.1 doesn't seems to work for me. Tried the following but couldn't resolve the issue.
> Any ideas? Thanks
> 1. mv ~/.config/jukrc ~/.config/jukrc.old> 2. mv ~/.local/share/juk ~/.local/share/juk.old
> 3. Open juk
> 4. Use Ctrl+D to add a directory with about 10 audio files.
> 5. Juk adds the directory, shows its name in the "Collection List" pane but fails to show any audio files in the right pane, where they are normally shown.
> 6. Doing a RMB click on the directory and selecting "Reload" seems to have no effect, no audio files are loaded.
> # aptitude show juk
> Package: juk                            
> Version: 4:22.04.1-1
> State: installed
> Operating System: Debian 12 Bookworm GNU/Linux
> KDE Plasma Version: 5.24.5
> KDE Frameworks Version: 5.94.0
> Qt Version: 5.15.4
> Kernel Version: 5.18.0-2-amd64 (64-bit)
> Graphics Platform: X11

Any feedback? Is just me and Juk 22.04.1 is working for everyone else? The description above was updated a bit to reflect the current state of my Juk efforts.


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