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Re: Status of Plasma 5.18/5.19?

Dear Scarlett, dear Norbert, dear community,

Scarlett Moore - 07.07.20, 17:20:48 CEST:
> I was not on this list, sorry. I have been working on plasma packages
> and they are quite out of date. I am new to Debian process of mass
> package updates, so I am slower than I care to admit, plus
> limitations due to not being a DD. That being said, I do apologize
> for delay. I do accept quality merge requests.  I know I missed them

There is no need to apologize. You are doing this in your free time and 
have no obligation.

I thank you for your work.

> when I started on this task and I apologized, but Norbert you have
> since deleted all of them and refuse to undelete them. I suppose
> making me look bad helps you? I am trying my best with the time I
> have and amount of work needed. Again, help is gladly accepted as
> long as it is quality work and not just a changelog entry..

Norbert, you retracted your merge requests… however, Scarlett is willing 
to consider quality merge requests… so I see an opportunity to work 
together, if you are willing to.

Norbert, maybe if you work together with those of the Qt/KDE team who 
are willing to work with you, that is a start?


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