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Re: KDE release in Debian Jessie announcement

Am Montag, 27. April 2015, 13.37:28 schrieb Vincent Frison:
> Hi,

Good morning

> Is it normal that the KDE version in the official Jessie annoucement is
> 4.11.13 ?
> https://www.debian.org/News/2015/20150426
> It looks a mistake since the actual version seems to be 4.14.2. And the
> problem is that annoucement has been copy/pasted everywhere...

Actually correct would have been:
- KDE Workspace (aka Plasma 4): 4.11.13
- KDE Platform (aka kdelibs): 4.14.2
- KDE Applications: 4.14.1

It's split into at least three parts since years (see announcements on kde.org 
and dot.kde.org for reference). To bad I didn't see this wrong copy and paste. 

Btw thanks to the Debian/Kubuntu Qt/KDE team for there work on this software.


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