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Re: What happened to rekonq?

Diederik de Haas <didi.debian@cknow.org>
> Hi!
> I just found a website that doesn't display properly in iceweasel, so I
> wanted to try it with rekonq, only to find it's no longer in the archives.
> What happened and will rekonq return to the archives?
> Cheers,
>   Diederik

Some time ago it was removed - allegedly - for security reasons with regarding 
to qtwebkit. See:
As you can see in the bug report:
* The removal wasn't asked by its current maintainer (me)
* I tried to stop the removal, but it was removed anyway

Furthermore as I explained here and in the other bug report:
There are other browsers which use the qtwebkit (which aren't maintained by 
me) which weren't removed from debian sid. So I don't buy the "it's for 
security" argument. Probably the removal of rekonq has more to do with a group 
of powerful people trying to make impossible any contribution from me to 
debian. The same people was responsible (among other things) for the 
"unexplainable" disappearing of qt-kde.debian.net several months ago (remember 
the bunch of mails of people asking how does one install kde 4.10 from 

Also note that I offered myself to package a newer qtwebkit (I have updated it 
in siduction a few weeks ago) and the reply was:
>Please refrain from forwarding changes to the pkg-kde team for reasons you 
are very well aware of.
So at this point I have two possible conclusions about that "diversity 
statement"[1] which generated some debate in the mailing lists, it's either:
a) packaging qtwebkit doesn't count as a "contribution which interacts 
constructively with our community"
b) it's the greatest bullshit ever told about debian.

I have uploaded it here again a long time ago:
and made the corresponding RFS (request for sponsoring, the procedure to 
follow for those who don't have permissions to upload packages to sid). Nobody 
uploaded it. Also I have been maintaining it in siduction where is up to date.

So, if you ask my opinion it's just a shame, but: 
If you want to use rekonq you can:
a) Build it yourself from the mentors package.
b) Add to your sources.list the siduction's kdenext repository.
c) Switch completely to any debian derivative or just use other distribution.


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