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Re: KDE Software Compilation 4.6.1 has been uploaded to qt-kde.debian.net

after installing:

thanks a lot for your work!

there is just a few things I noticed:
- in this web-page, there's a mistake: http://qt-kde.debian.net/#notes4.4
you forgot the "X" from eXpermiental-snapshots:
# apt-get -t eperimental-snapshots install kde-standard
- as you say in your website, there is a problem with "kde-l10n-fr", we have to uninstall "konq-plugins-l10n" before the upgrade.
I thought it would have been done by apt-get automatically (and maybe it would be easier)

- I also had a message telling me that my sound card has been removed (and ask me if I wanted to remove the entry) and KDE did as if I install a new one (quite strange)
the sound still function anyway

- my connexion theme (asphyxia: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Asphyxia?content=132589) doesn't work at all anymore

- in amarok, I lost all my collection and for the moment, I don't succeed to make it come back (none of my folders have changed...)

- in dolphin, my HDD's partitions appear like extern HDD, but they are mounted at the boot, configured in fstab, and it wasn't like that before (new feature or bug?)

- my "boîte à miniature" in french (in english, maybe something like "miniature box"? the thing at the left of the clock where appear things like sound level, network, amarok's logo...) lost its configuration (logo I said they must be hidden).

well, I think that's all for the moment. everything else work so fine and KDE 4.6 is really fun! thank you!

PS: excuse my bad english... if you want some more explanations on something I said, I'll try to be more understandable :D

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