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Re: KDE 4.2.4 settings

Am Donnerstag, 23. Juli 2009 um 16:56:32 schrieb Goran Dobosevic:
> Hi,
> I'm just install on my virtual box Debian testing/sid and everything is
> just fine accept I don't know where or how to change some KDE 4.2.4
> settings.
> 1. when i go on shutdown there is no more "dragon on the moon" pic. I
> love this dragon, where i can change that pic?
> 2. When I add new widget (app shortcut) on the bar it automatically
> appear behind the clock and I can drug/drop near the "K" button on
> opposite side.
> 3. There is not more KDE Menu Editor, just some app who scan for new app
> but it doesn't scan /opt for example. Does will be in the future some
> menu editor like it was KDE Menu Editor in kde 3.5?
Hello Goran,

right click on the K icon of the K menu and choose "Menu Editor".

Kind regards,
> Thanks for answers.

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