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Re: Iceweasel theme for KDE4

Am Freitag, 13. Juni 2008 schrieb Ramon Antonio Parada:
> Hello,
> I am working in an Iceweasel 3 theme that looks nice in KDE4. Initial
> objectives are:
> 1. Looking ok with KDE4 default theme.
> 2. Looking ok even if you got any Gtk theme installed
> 3. Maintaining Firefox 3 identity
> 4. Good design and usability
> I am really interested about knowing:
> 1. Your general opinion on this topic
> 2. What your current Iceweasel 3 appearance (so awful like mine?)
> 3. Are you interested in contributing for testing or development?
> Here it is before and after:
> Before: http://flickr.com/photos/petrarcadue/2574912677/
> After: http://flickr.com/photos/petrarcadue/2575739126/

Hi, isn't there a possibilty to reuse all oxygen icons? IMHO the 
combined back/forward button looks wired.

Another question is if the theming can be done by some kind of 
gtk-qt-engine. The wrong background color of tabs is an example

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