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KDE for Etch

Ana Guerrero wrote:
On Wed, Nov 07, 2007 at 05:58:12PM -0500, Henry keultjes wrote:
Sune Vuorela wrote:
On 2007-11-07, Henry keultjes <hbkeultjes@earthlink.net> wrote:
Curt Howland wrote:
It's too bad that the option to install KDE is so far back from the point of obvious choice, and that the only place I've seen the "expert tasks="standard, kde-desktop"" is in posts telling me, now Philip, what we should have done.

Until tasksel has "desktop-Gnome" and "desktop-KDE" as separate options, I will be stuck with seeminglt endless dselect sessions.
That will be resolved if this http://pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org/kde4livecd.html  becomes HDD installable as I have requested.
I don't think there will be any progress on this.
What makes you believe so? If non-techie Debian advocates like myself are to become more effective we absolute need a live Debian/KDE CD that is also HDD installable because that's the way to make converts.

In the case of the KDE4 liveCD, because it does not make any sense. This CD is
made to allow people the possibility taking a look to KDE4 without mess with
their systems.


But think of those who have taken a look at the live cd and really like
it, does it make any sense to put them through the hassle of having to
do a download now? All they should have to do is click an "Install to
Harddrive" button.  Debian is missing a huge opportunity if we don't do
this and we are not making friends when we do something that to the
potential user does not make sense.  If it were a technical issue I
would defer to your judgement but I know that the SuSE live CD can be
HDD installed so changing the Debian/wm live cd's to do the same should
be simply a matter of gpl'ing that part of the code from SuSE.

Henry Keultjes
Mansfield Ohio USA

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