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Re: Defining and choosing profiles


Am Montag 19 November 2007 schrieb Hendrik Sattler:
> Am Montag 19 November 2007 schrieb Michael Schuerig:
> > To make thinks more concrete. When I'm working on a project at home
> > and at a client site, I easily get network access by means of DHCP in
> > both places. But at home I need no proxies, rely on the firewall in
> > my router and there are no network filesystems I need to mount. When
> > at the client site, I have to configure proxy settings for KDE,
> > Firefox, Subversion (Subclipse), and I want my own local firewall.
> Combine it with e.g. switchconf or netenv.

Or guessnet for automatic switching based on definable tests[1].

I use it to send ARP requests to check for a specified combination of IP 
and MAC address in the net. If it finds it, it configures the network 
according to my entry in /etc/network/interfaces. So my laptop uses a 
static IP at home but does DHCP in the company as well every location 
that it doesn't detect specifically.

It integrates nicely with /etc/network/interfaces. I combine it with 
ifplugd and wpasupplicant.

I didn't yet use it to automatically set a web proxy, but there is an 
example including a web proxy set script that might work[2].

Besides that Martin Krafft is designing and developing a new network 
configuration solution for Debian. But it still seems in the early 
concept phase.

Networkmanager would work too, if you could integrate some scripts with 
it. Last time I looked it was still to unlexible for me and I thought it 
would only connect me to the net when the GUI is loaded. My guessnet / 
ifupdown solution works all the time, but doesn't give me much 
oppurtunatley for manual selections. So if you want to select one of 
several WLANs on a occasional basis if might not be suitable for you. If 
its always the same WLAN you want to connect at a certain place, then you 
could use wpasupplicant as a mapper and guessnet for IP config.

Since you can start scripts via /e/n/i you could do basically anything, 
but it needs a bit of time to setup correctly. It should be possible to 
integrate switchconf as well.

I wrote an article about guessnet but its also in german only.

[1] http://guessnet.alioth.debian.org/
see also man interfaces

[2] In german only: 

[3] http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/netconf-devel


Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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