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to run a "interactive" scritp before shutting down the system


I have to run this "interactive" script ***always before*** that I shutting 
down my PC.

konsole -name empa -title empa -e /home/gfreque/bin/empresa-parada &

I have to run into konsole because it asks me for a password (so interactive 

Sometimes, I forget to run this script and ***I need to avoid this***. As a 
result, I have thought some alternatives:

1.- ./kde/Autostop --> it is not valid because the scripts are executed after 
kde is closed, and I can not to type the passw.

2.- to build a script that:
	a) run my script
	b) shutdown the system 
		I would like to call to "shutdown application" that is called from "K menu"
 		to save sessions, etc.
        c) and delete the shutdown option from the "K menu" (to avoid use it),
 		only for one user (my user) if it is possible. But, when I edit the k-menu
		 this option is not available for me (as normal user, not root).

So, my question is: ¿which is the best way to do b) and c)? 


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