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Running KDE 3.4.2 with Transparent Windows

Hi all!

I've switched on the (experimental) transluncency option in Control Center -> 
Desktop -> Window Behavior -> Translucency. Works quite OK after minor 
adjustments to xorg.conf and looks really nifty. Thanks for the packaging 
effort, btw!

There are two issues and I'm wondering whether anybody else can share some 

- It appears that with translucency turned on, i.e. kompmgr running, and all 
other things unchanged to the best of my knowledge, some icons (laptop 
battery power and knemo) in the systray go missing. Control Center -> KDE 
Components -> Service Manager tells me they're running, but the systray icons 
are just not there. Anybody else seeing this?

- The X server crashed earlier on, but I was multitasking and can't reproduce 
it. Which is the best way to gather some debugging info, given that kdm 
restarts the crashed X server thus overwriting /var/log/Xorg.0.log and 
~/.xsession-errors? It seems as if /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old is helpful, but is 
there anything else? Further, should bugs be filed against the X server or 
kwin/kompmgr? Or rather not at all given that this feature is marked as 


Georg Wittenburg

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