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Re: polish characters

On Wednesday 10 August 2005 08:51 pm, Sebastian Luque wrote:
> Would somebody please point out how to set up a polish keyboard in
> KDE?  I tried configuring the keyboard layout in control center,
> selected the polish keyboard layout, but cannot find where all the
> language-specific characters are. In fact, it seems that the US layout
> is still being used.  It would help to have some application that
> shows where each character is on the keyboard.  Macs have something
> where you shown a keyboard layout and the keys change colors,
> depending on which one you press, as well as showing the modified keys
> after shift, ctrl, alt. Anyone know an equivalent of that?
Unless I'm way off base here (and I certainly could be), Polish uses an 
accented Latin alphabet, so the standard X Compose stuff would work. Go into 
KControl -> Regional & Accessibility, Keyboard Layout, select the Xkb Options 
tab, and check one of the options under Compose Key in the big 
list-o-checkboxes. I use Right Alt. Then you can compose accented characters 
with key combos, e.g.:

compose+slash, l = ł
compose+single-quote, o = ó
compose+semicolon, e = ę

...and so on. I have this handy shellscript that lets me paste a letter from 
KCharSelect, and it will show the key combo to enter it:

dir="$dir/`sed -n "s#\([^/]*\)/.*:.*$LANG#\1#p" \
< $dir/locale.dir`"
grep -F $1 $dir/Compose

just run it and pass it a single character as an argument, e.g.:

$ ./compose.sh é
<dead_acute> <e>        : "é" eacute # LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
<Multi_key> <acute> <e> : "é" eacute # LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
<Multi_key> <apostrophe> <e>    : "é" eacute # LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
<combining_acute> <e>   : "é" eacute # LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE

Those are the possible combos for entering that character - you're interested 
in the Multi_key sequences.

Hope this helps.

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