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ls colors

Using a quite background in konsole, how do I change the colours that
ls uses by default for different types of file ?

Light green and light red are almost invisible on a white konsole
background.  On my RH system at work, I could create a file called
/etc/DIR_COLORS and change the 1; to 0; throughout to remove highlighting.
However in Debian (running Sarge), that has no effect.  I tried to track
it down with man pages and strace, but the system calls in the equivalent
place to the RH read of DIR_COLORS dive off into locale files - a very
odd place to look for something that's irrelevant to locales, to my mind.

This might not be a strictly KDE problem, but for me it only shows up
in konsole, it's not a problem I have on the system consoles :-)  I'd
appreciate any help.


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