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Help -- SVG Browser Needed

Using Ksvg, SVG icons can be displayed in Konqueror.  However, even with the 
Adobe SVG plugin, none of the SVG animations at 
http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/images/animate/animMotion01.svg will show.

Using Mozilla with the Adobe SVG plugin installed, SVG is handled correctly.  
Complex SVG has problems being correctly displayed and some will crash after 
a few minutes, but overall Mozilla is more capable of SVG display.

Can people chime in with their preferred methods for display, creation, and 
editing of SVGs?  I wish to begin learning this new technology without having 
to go back to Windows and Illustrator.
Q:	Why do mountain climbers rope themselves together?
A:	To prevent the sensible ones from going home.

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