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Re: SVG Problems

Additional Information:

In the file-management mode of Konqueror, the icon of the .svg file is an 
svg-icon.  The expanded graphic view (mouse cursor hovering over the icon) of 
the icon is part of the entire .svg animation, as viewed in Mozilla.  But 
again, if you Open In New Window the svg file a sequence of German words 

This suggests that KSVG is partially handling the display of the file.

I'm close to an answer on this KSVG issue.  Bob
Q:	How many Californians does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A:	Five.  One to screw in the light bulb and four to share the
		experience.  (Actually, Californians don't screw in
		light bulbs, they screw in hot tubs.)

Q:	How many Oregonians does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A:	Three.  One to screw in the light bulb and two to fend off all
		those Californians trying to share the experience.

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