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Window and desktop switching trouble

With recent upgrades to KDE in unstable (and qt 3.3 in experimental) 
window and desktop switching has changed on my system. Previously, I 
pressed Alt-Tab-Tab-... to cycle through windows (Win-Tab for 
desktops). After pressing Alt (Win) and Tab for the first time, a 
window appeared showing the title of the selected window (desktop). 
After releasing Alt (Win) the window immediately disappeared and the 
selected window (desktop) was brought to the front.

This last step has changed. Now, after releasing Alt (Win), the 
selection window stays and only after pressing yet another key it 
disappears. I can only avoid this behavior by pressing the Alt(Win)-Tab 
sequence so quickly that the window does not become noticably visible.

Of course, I'd like to get the old behavior back. And while I'm add it, 
I'd like to get rid off the Win key popping up the K-menu, something 
that apparently sneaked in with KDE 3.2.x.


Michael Schuerig                  Airtight arguments have
mailto:michael@schuerig.de        vacuous conclusions.
http://www.schuerig.de/michael/   --A.O. Rorty, Explaining Emotions

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