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Re: [FAQ] Passwordless logins don't work in KDM 3.2

On Wed, 2004-03-10 at 11:06, David Pye wrote:
> On Wednesday 10 March 2004 16:54, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > On Wed, 2004-03-10 at 09:59, Dominique Devriese wrote:
> > > Jeff Elkins writes:
> > Should passwordless logins even be allowed?
> Absolutely - there are a number of scenarios where this behaviour is almost 
> mandatory - I have two.
> Firstly, my mother's PC - she is the only person who ever used it, and can 
> even access it, so why can't I allow her to autologin? It's one less thing 
> for her to worry about.

That's an easy one to shoot down:
"One of the defendants, 71-year-old Durwood Pickle, said his teenage
grandchildren used his computer during visits to his home."

> Secondly, I maintain a machine in the university PC labs for public CD burning 
> of linux distros. I autologin it as guest user, and spawn the app. Now, if I 
> couldn't use kdm to do it, I'd have to resort to another hack, which is 
> potentially even worse :/

Console login with a curses app that is spawned from ~guest/.bashrc
that needs a password for the "quit" function and traps Ctrl-C and

> Thirdly, as kdm already does support it (excluding this minor regression, 
> obviously!) why remove it? It's not like it's default, or even, arguably, 
> easy to get working without editing files, so you can't enable it by mistake!

Well, since it's there.  But removing it would mean less code, and
less code means less potential bugs.

Ron Johnson, Jr. ron.l.johnson@cox.net
Jefferson, LA USA

If 1/2 of all US marriages end in divorce, and there are a good
number of 3rd, 4th, etc marriages, then more than 1/2 of all 1st
marriages will be permanent.

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