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Re: latest kde 3.1.2

[Interleaved quoting: please read to end for all comments]

Alexander Opitz wrote in gmane.linux.debian.user.kde: 
 about: Re: latest kde 3.1.2 

> Am Mittwoch, 21. Mai 2003 11:17 schrieb Germain CHAZOT:
>> It would be even better if it worked!!! I have tried to update my kde to
>> 3.1.2 but I couldn't install it because of dependencie problems: libqt3-mt
>> conflicts with libqt3c102-mt and both are needed to install kdebase 3.1.2
>> So I tried to come back to 3.1.1 but even if I change ...../latest/Debian
>> ... into ...../3.1.1/Debian ... it still installs 3.1.2 but with some parts
>> from 3.1.1. That's crazy. And Kmail is installed version 3.1.1 in a 3.1.2

I have similar problems. 
I'm running 'testing' and when I tried to upgrade to KDE 3.1.2,
virtually everything KDE-related was actually removed(!).

I managed to reinstall KDE 2.x successfully, but was experiencing
problems with it (font settings not being saved permanently, etc).

Now when I try to install KDE 3.1.2, using..
deb http://download.kde.org/stable/latest/Debian/ stable main
..I get problems with the following:

Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
  kdelibs4: Depends: libarts1 (>= 1.1.2) but it is not going to be installed
            Depends: libvorbis0 (>= 1.0rc3-1) but it is not installable
            Depends: kdelibs-bin (= 4:3.1.2-0woody1)

I'm fairly sure I do have the correct version of libarts1 installed
(how do I check this?), but I can't seem to install libvorbis0:

Package libvorbis0 has no available version, but exists in the database.
This typically means that the package was mentioned in a dependency and
never uploaded, has been obsoleted or is not available with the contents
of sources.list
However the following packages replace it:
  libvorbisfile3 libvorbisenc2 libvorbis0a 
E: Package libvorbis0 has no installation candidate

(It seems that installing libarts1 installs libvorbis0a as well..?)

Am I trying to install KDE files in the right order?
What packages should I be asking apt-get install to install?

Does it make any difference the order in which my KDE deb line, and my
'testing' deb line appear in /etc/apt/sources.list?

> Do not MIX debian packages for UNSTABLE with debian packages for TESTING or 
> Clean up your sources list for apt.
> (For unstable it should need libqt3c102-mt and for testing/stable libqt3-mt)

Yes, I've noticed dependency problems with these as well..

Too many things seem to depend or conflict with each other, like a tiger
chasing its tail(!).  I'm now thoroughly confused.. :-(

Can anybody offer me any advice on how I can get KDE3 (any version) back
working on my system again?

Many thanks for any advice,


David Marsh, Glasgow, Scotland, N Europe. | http://web.viewport.co.uk/
<email valid @time of writing>, but reply to list preferred, thanks.

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