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Installing kde programs in /usr/local running Debian Woody KDE 3.1.1

I have installed "umbrello" running kde 3.1.1 under Debian woody. Because I 
installed into /usr/local/share/kde all the icons of the programm are gone, 
even the tips of the day, etc. are not available to the tool.

Where do I have to put the /usr/local.... path so that kde3 does know that it 
has to look there for the icons, etc. ????
(I tried changing /etc/kderc, but it did not work)

So, what is the standard way in Debian KDE to tell KDE where the newly 
installed icons, etc. are ??

Thanks for any help !
Peter Biechele

Peter Biechele, Peter.Biechele@gmx.de, Germany

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