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kde-theme-liquid or mosfet liquid theme

As some people is using my deb repository for installing mosfet liquid
theme, I must announce that I have changed the name of the package to
kde-theme-liquid to be according to the traditional one.

I have done this with the last version of mosfet (0.9.6pre3) so you can
apt-get it from:

deb http://coyote.asoc.euitt.upm.es/mud/debian ./
deb-src http://coyote.asoc.euitt.upm.es/mud/debian ./

apt-get install kde-theme-liquid

and it will replace the old mosfet package.

or download directly from:

It is compiled for Sid, but I will provide sources in two or three days.


Sergio Rodriguez de Guzman Martinez| La muerte no os concierne ni vivo ni
sguzman@inicia.es                  | muerto: vivo, porque sois; muerto
-=Debian GNU/Linux Sid=-   -o)     | porque ya no sois.   -- Michel de
Kernel 2.4.20               /\     | Montaigne. (1553-1592) Filósofo
on a i686                  _\_v    | francés.  
PGP Key www.nova1one.com/satai.asc | 
Registered Linux user number 279084

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