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Re: KDE 3.1.1 Fast as root but slow as User

On Wed, Apr 09, 2003 at 03:11:31AM +0200, Hendrik Sattler wrote:
> I just tried the
> 	chown root.root /tmp/.ICE-unix
> 	/etc/init.d/kdm restart
> and it really kicks it. Increadible but this this reduces the KDE startup time 
> to 1/3. Maybe there are other tweaks. I will go on trying, maybe leaving away 
> some ssh-agent helps.
> But looking at it: this makes absolutely no sense! I am the only user of this 
> system and what-the-*#~# is going on here?
> Is this a bug in X or a bug in KDE?
> Even if some startup script fixes this permission, it still makes no sense to 
> me.

Well, as I said, it makes ICE use a faster IPC mechanism.

Daniel Stone 	     <daniel@raging.dropbear.id.au>             <dstone@kde.org>
KDE: Konquering a desktop near you - http://www.kde.org

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