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Re: My woody packages....

On Tuesday 08 April 2003 16:37, Ralf Nolden wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Tuesday 08 April 2003 14:15, Filippos Slavik wrote:
> > On Monday 07 April 2003 19:22, Ralf Nolden wrote:
> > > Up until now this location held my collection of Debian packages for
> > > Woody.
> > Well, this is very bad situation, especially for those you have selected
> > your debs for their production systems.
> They are still available:
> deb http://download.kde.org/stable/3.1.1/Debian stable main
> so I don't see this as a necessarily "bad" situation.  I will also continue to 
> provide updates on those servers for KDE for the KDE releases.

Hi Ralf,

looks like the kde mirrors only have the kdebase 3.1.1-0woody1 debs instead of 0woody 2.
All other kdebase woody2 I could get from my local ktown apt-cacher but xfonts-konsole

lapmara[100] ~ # apt-cache policy xfonts-konsole
  Installed: 4:3.1.1-0woody1
  Candidate: 4:3.1.1-0woody2
  Version Table:
     4:3.1.1-0woody2 0
        500 http://debian.mpe.mpg.de stable/main Packages	# ktown entry
 *** 4:3.1.1-0woody1 0
        500 http://debian.mpe.mpg.de woody/main Packages   # download.kde entry
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

Can you please upload the 0woody2 debs to official kde mirrors?

> > I can easily understand why is happening that... credativ is just trying to
> > make money. 
> I did them because we needed them anyway and I wanted to have them as well. So 
> it was partly a necessity for our work and partly my own interest.
> The result is that I put the packages in my home directory on ktown. People 
> started to use them, that's fine.
> So in the end, credativ has nothing to do with those packages and I can 
> *basically* do whatever I want to. And I certainly don't want my own employer 
> to come under the impression that they just want to rip off people because 
> that is not the case. We're all Debian and KDE people here, period. We've 
> been doing more to help free software by developing it or working *inside* 
> debian to make Debian better than most people who are just taking things for 
> granted.
> Althought you produced these packages while working for them/or
> > consuming time for producing those packages that has been paid by them,
> > nothing can stop you from producing them again (it's your work ; just
> > supported by them).
> That may be true. But matter of fact is, I just won't do that anymore except 
> for the KDE releases part. Everything else was optional or experimental 
> anyway.
> > Anyway, I'm not blaming you.. it's just a very unpleasent situtation. And
> > yes you're right.. I could get the debs from kde.org... but we all know,
> > that packages @ ktown are more updated by your efforts ;)
> Well, how is that unpleasant ? You can still get the packages over the 
> load-balanced servers at download.kde.org. The removal of the packages in my 
> home dir just reduces the load on the server and again, they are still 
> available as far as the pure KDE side is concerned on download.kde.org. It 
> also makes my life a lot easier and gives me more time for other things to do 
> because I only have to take care of one repository than keeping two in sync 
> for releases.
> To make clear that my employer doesn't have anything to do with that, I 
> changed the README on ktown to this:
> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Up until now this location held my collection of Debian packages for Woody.
> Those packages aren't available anymore at this location.
> Please use http://download.kde.org for the KDE packages available on the KDE 
> mirrors:
> deb http://download.kde.org/stable/3.1.1/Debian stable main
> See http://www.kde.org/info/3.1.1.php for more information.
> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> which should give anyone the info that they should use download.kde.org.
> Ralf
> >
> > Regards
> > Filippos Slavik
> >
> - -- 
> We're not a company, we just produce better code at less costs.
> - --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ralf Nolden
> nolden@kde.org
> The K Desktop Environment       The KDevelop Project
> http://www.kde.org              http://www.kdevelop.org
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