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Sid: Fonts still looking bad

SID as of today (18/03)

xfree 4.2.1-6 (or manually installed 4.3)
libxft2 2.1-8 (or yesterday's 2.1-7)
libfreetype6 2.1.3+2.1.4rc2-3  (or 2.1.3-10 - no difference)
fontconfig  2.1.92-2 (or older version as of last week)
KDE 3.1.1-1

TT fonts look mostly extremely bad with some font sizes.

I use AA, but not if size > 6 and < 10. No sub-pixel hinting. Tried to disable the size limitation for AA, no difference.

For example:

Verdana, size 9, regular (=non-bold, non-italic) "D" is stretched in its round part; bold "r" and "t" are to wide, lasting almost into the next character; regular "w" has too thick middle-lines; "k" has a too short line upwards; etc etc. Generally, bold causes even worse results; funny: Courier New bold size 10 is exactly as high as size 9, but some letters are wider.

I tried going back to freetype 2.1.3-10, no avail.

Tried an older version of fontconfig, no avail.

And yes, I ran fc-cache -f -v every time. And yes, what I see is actually "Verdana" and no bitmap-substitute. Fontpaths in XF86Config-4, fonts.conf / local.conf are correct. fc-list lists all fonts.

Some other people seem to have noticed this too (See "Arial 9pt" thread) but it got quiet around here last week.

Interestingly, I have no problems with the console (or should I say konsole?) font.

Can displaying a font be that hard...?

Which package might be responsible for this mess?

Thomas Winischhofer
mailto:thomas@winischhofer.net            http://www.winischhofer.net/

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