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Where is qlist.h ?

I'm missign qlist.h while trying to compile some applications. I
supposed that it was in libqt3-headers, but with the last update
(3.1.1-3) on a Sid machine, it has disappeared.

apt-file output:
libqt3-headers: usr/include/qt/qlist.h


Sergio Rodríguez de Guzmán Martínez| Lo que quiere el sabio lo busca en sí 
sguzman@inicia.es                  | mismo; el vulgo, lo busca en los
-=Debian GNU/Linux Sid=-   -o)     | demás.   -- Confucio. (551-479 a.C.)
Kernel 2.4.20               /\     | Filósofo y estadista chino.  
on a i686                  _\_v    | 
PGP Key www.nova1one.com/satai.asc | 
Registered Linux user number 279084

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