KDE3.1 unofficial beta packages
måndagen den 26 augusti 2002 22.23 skrev Jens Benecke:
> Could you share your KDE binaries with the rest of us? Upload them via
> ftp to if you don't know where to put them, I'll make them
> available.
You can look in:
which leads you to my ftp area containing KDE3.1-beta
kdeedu and koffice is missing right now, but I will put them there a little
bit later today or tomorrow.
This is a slow link to my private machine (512kbps). Since I have dynamic IP,
first access has to be done in that convulted way. But the IP generally stays
until I for some reason need to reboot or something.
There is no warranty on these .deb files. They are not official in any way. I
am trying to stay compatible with the future debian packages, but sometimes
it is hard when package names are changing back and forth. At one point I
just stopped trying to follow that. I can use my time better than trying to
outguess what the packagers are thinking.
I have had problems with konqueror wiping out bookmarks.xml. I am not sure if
that problem is gone.
Debian need to be at a very late UNSTABLE level.
Some packages that are not even in UNSTABLE might be needed. I will put them
in the same directory, if and when I figure out which they are. They are
probably in another directory on my machine.
This is only for i386.
-- Karolina
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