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Re: KDE Packagers - What's the plan/roadmap/future & timescale?

> 1) Who you are, what you do in real life, how you got involved in Debian,
> and involved in KDE, what (if anything) you packaged in Debian before this,
> what (if anything) you did in KDE before this, why & how you came to the
> decision to take on maintainership of the KDE packages.

I'm just finishing a PhD and starting a postdoc in computational topology in 
Melbourne, Australia.  I'm originally from Brisbane, Australia and just 
finished a couple of years studying in Oklahoma, USA.  I got involved in 
debian because I thought it was cool and I wanted to contribute, which I 
guess is a fairly common story.

I package a handful of official KDE modules plus koffice and a number of 
miscellaneous KDE apps.  I also package some mathematical software and a bit 
of java stuff including jython.  I don't actually write KDE software, I just 
package it.  Some of the KDE packages I started maintaining because I wanted 
to see them in debian and some (like koffice) I started maintaining because 
they had been left orphaned for quite some time and I wanted to see them kept 
up to date.

> B) What's up w/ KOffice for Debian?  Re: Woody or Sid?

As for sid, if you take a look at the changelog you will find that koffice 
has been frequently updated, with the one exception of the two week 
conference I was on during the libpng debacle.  And despite complaint after 
complaint that I received during that period, the world doesn't end with a 
two week wait.  Honestly.

So the sid version of koffice is almost always fairly up to date.

As for woody, the koffice in woody is very old (June/July 2001).  The reason 
for this is the frequent updates and the fact that koffice is very large and 
thus takes some time to be built for all architectures, by which time there's 
often been another upload and so on and so on.  At the moment all that's 
keeping koffice out of woody is an arm rebuild and two more days' wait, and 
unless some major bug is discovered I'm not going to do another upload until 
1.1.1 has progressed into woody.  So cross your fingers and koffice for woody 
might be up to date in the order of days.

> C) What's your recommendation regarding: would you advise people who want
> to be making productive use of KDE now to run Woody or Sid?

I'd absolutely advise using all of the sid KDE packages, even if you're on a 
woody system - this is just based on watching bug reports come in from people 
using straight woody or using some woody KDE packages with some sid KDE 
packages.  But then again, I'm not sure how many other sid packages will be 
dragged in by asking for sid's KDE.  This advice should also be taken with a 
grain of salt because I haven't tested woody at all myself.



Ben Burton
benb@acm.org  |  bab@debian.org
Public Key: finger bab@debian.org

I am not like the Leader of the Opposition.  I did not slither out of the
Cabinet room like a mangy maggot...
	- Paul Keating, on John Howard

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