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Re: buglets: kdebase and kdm 2.1.1-7 in sid

On Thursday 26 April 2001 13:42, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
> > don't invest too much work into kdm 2.2 for the moment - the whole
> > config stuff will change significantly in some days/weeks.
> the amount of work was 2 minutes worth. :)
> Ivan

Ivan (and group),

         I've been following this thread with a lot of interest for a while 
now, along with the "Long delays in startup of apps/kde". My machine (bless 
you ALL!!) has been running Debian now for a number of years. It began life 
as a SLINKie fan!! I've apt-get dist-upgrade(d) this machine all the way up 
to where it is now, with SID.
         At various times I've noticed a number of "slowdowns" of apps. 
strange behaviors, etc. But I EXPECT this!! I choose to run this O/S and 
accompanying software due to the 'realism' of it. For a number of years I 
fault'ed with M$ Kludge, trying throughout to get some stability. I tried 
OS/2 and enjoyed the hell outta having an O/S that "I" could trust. Alas, no 
user applications were being developed. Then I met Buddha (no!! just a short 
fat hippie with talent) and he introduced me to Linus's baby. Since then, 
I've a VFAT partition on my machine for QBooks and some games, but the rest 
is total FAT FREE! I'm ranting. 

         Anyhow, the point of this was to ask if;

1.  Would I be a rude ass to ask for a "clean-up" script?
         (e.g. throughout a number of changes, updates, etc files were 
created, used, discarded, left, but no deleted.)

2.  Where could I find some good documentation as to what files are 
associated with which apps (in ~/.kde primarily)?
         (Ivan I know you're just now getting the man pages together, as I 
say your request for an assist. I don't mind meandering around thru /usr/doc 
at all. :--)  )

         At this moment in time, my machine (the last I saw of it [2x weeks 
fighting a sinus infection] ) was running beautifully. Although I've had a 
number of times when I've felt this horrible drop in speed.

         Thanks Again!!

Respectfully Submitted,

G. L. `Griz' Inabnit   (sniveling cuz he ain't got his pgp key!!)

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