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Re: KDevelop missing C++ reference

>> Ivan, shouldn't this be packaged along with kdevelop? Most of the other
>> documentation is.
>probably..dunno...I don't use kdevelop.
O.K., who does use it and knows how to package such things? I installed it
because I just started a programming course and it seemed to be the best IDE for
Linux that I saw. I know several people on this list use it because of all the
posts about it. If any of them would be interested in packaging the rest of the
Doc's. I know that the C/C++ docs are missing and I had to fetch them myself,
but I wouldn't know the first thing about packaging .deb's : ( Oterwise I'd be
happy to help Ivan by packaging the missing Doc's myself.


And I jsut want to say thanks again Ivan, for such a great job of keeping KDE
for Debian so close to the cutting edge and yet stable enough for a clueless
newbie like myself!


     John Gay

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